
Unlike learning latin, memorizing words and phrases aren’t sticking like glue. I’m still practicing day 2 on the first 18 common greetings and I’m seriously struggling. I’m going to give it my all tomorrow. Seems the first month I really need to just focus on appreciating the language and it’s extreme difference from my own. Good morning, good afternoon and good night I think I have down:
およすみなさい – this guy was troublesome. For good night I decided to use a mnemonic: “oh ya? Sue me. It seems to work because I made another note it’s yo and not ya. Once I get the first part the rest come… Tomorrow maybe I’ll come up with mnemonics for them all. Ugh.

Anyways, no need to learn much. Just focus on genki 1 lesson 1. Maybe check out the foundational grammatical rules. That’s what I’ve been up to. Still learning 20 kanji a day.

About craiggleso

B.S. Industrial Management - Grove City College Studied Applied Electronics at Wake Technical Community College
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